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2020 Small Chapter Award (Honourable Mention)

Temiskaming Multiple Births

2020 Small Chapter Award (Honourable Mention)

Timiskaming is one of the largest geographical, smallest memberships, biggest hearted and humblest chapters of MBC.

Their ability to support their membership and other members of their community given the huge area and limited yet extremely dedicated volunteer base, is amazing.

They always have a project on the go. Offering workshops on Anxiety, hosting Multiple Birth Awareness activities, outreach to medical professionals, giving books about multiples local libraries and much, much more.

This past year their veteran members have been actively reaching out to find and train new volunteers to help continue the 35-year tradition of this amazing chapter.

In addition to all this their outreach to new and expectant families is part of what gives this small but mighty chapter offers, information packages, ready-made meals, help with laundry, feedings, and being extra hands when needed. They also will help with diapers, formula and baby supplies if needed.

This year given limits on gathering for our National Multiple Births Awareness Day, they executed a new idea. Lawn signs placed on their members lawns to celebrate and promote MBC and their chapter. This last minute, small plan will lead to many other chapters doing this in the future.

As well as all their amazing local efforts, TMBA is always available to help with ANYTHING MBC needs. From long time members offering personal help, to the chapter paying for things outside of MBC's budget.

This year as the conference was forced to move online, TMBA members stepped up to contact, confirm and fund 3 of our amazing speakers.

They were also the big push to additional "multiple birth" content to the lineup. This year more than ever, TMBA has shown their strength as the Little Chapter that Could!!

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