2023 Shining Star (Saskatoon)
Rebecca Dyck

The Shining Star MADA is awarded to an individual who has displayed outstanding dedication or has been responsible for outstanding accomplishments of local significance in the field of multiple births in a local community in Canada. One Shining Star award will be given out to each MBC Chapter annually.
The winner of the 2023 Shining Star award for the Saskatoon Chapter – Saskatoon Parents of Twins and Triplets Organization - SPOTTO is Rebecca Dyck.
Rebecca was the president of SPOTTO from 2019 to 2023 and sales co-ordinator before that. Her leadership and enthusiasm helped push the club forward through the difficult years of the COVID pandemic.
Even when the future of SPOTTO was uncertain, Rebecca and her husband Kevin pulled together a day to remember at the Western Development Museum for the club's 2022-23 Holiday Party!
Though they wondered if they might be planning SPOTTO's last hurrah, it was this event and others like it that lit a spark in a new group of members. It showed us what it could mean to be part of the SPOTTO community.
When our executive transitioned to a full slate of new board members in the spring of 2023, Rebecca and VP Julie Koroluk were vital sources of support and information to help us get the wheels rolling again!
Rebecca knew how the Clothing and Gear Sales were such valuable opportunities to bring current and potential new members together.
She encouraged and helped with planning and actively volunteered at our new executive's first event, which was the sale in July.
Her kind and generous standing offer to use the amazing meeting space in her business' office has brought our new executive members off the zoom screens for face to face brainstorming.
We cannot express enough how much we appreciate Rebecca and how essential her support has been to keep SPOTTO up and running!
With this nomination, we would like to honour and thank Rebecca as well as all other members of the 2019-2023 executive for their commitment to supporting multiples families in Saskatchewan through an endlessly tough season, with a special shout out to Julie Koroluk for her many years of hard work as an executive member and assistance with some of the tricky logistics of setting up our new board for success.
We are happy to award Rebecca Dyck for the Shining Star Award! Congratulations Rebecca.
Her dedication is admirable and everyone in her Chapter appreciates her hard work.