2020 National Award
Bonnie Schultz
The MADA NATIONAL award is presented to an individual who has displayed outstanding dedication or has been responsible for outstanding accomplishments of national significance in multiple births issues in Canada.
The 2020 National MADA was presented to Bonnie Schultz
Bonnie has dedicated over 30 years to MBC, working with its founder to build its foundation, and acting as a consultant and contributor on the subject of multiples via their web site and publications.
Bonnie’s contributions to moving POMBA Canada / MBC forward have been numerous over several decades.
She is a tireless worker and has never hesitated to “get involved,” be creative, or think outside the box with her endless amount of energy, as the Board explored new territories for Canadian multiple birth families and how to improve the many support resources for those families.
1992 – Bonnie, together with Donna Launslager represented POMBA Canada at the International Society of Twins Studies (ISTS) Conference in Japan. I remember they came back excited not only from what they learned was going on for multiple-birth families and the healthcare professionals looking after them, but also excited about how POMBA Canada was embraced and welcomed to the table to add Canadian voices to the mix.
1994-1996 – Bonnie was President of POMBA Canada
1999 – Bonnie put in place the Making A Difference Awards in honour of our founder, Sheryl McInnes. Bonnie and her husband, Jim, donated the plaques for the inaugural presentations.
2000 – Bonnie again took up the reins as President of MBC and during this time, we changed its name to Multiple Births Canada. Bonnie played an important role in arriving at our new name from Pomba Canada, updating the MBC By-laws, developing new Logo and changing the colour of same.
1998-2002 – When MBC was having difficulty finding someone to take care of the Business Office, Bonnie stepped up and for 5 years designated part of her home in Gormley to be MBC’s new office space.
Before Facebook and social media, as a young mother expecting Triplets, my very first call was to the MBC office and Bonnie was the warm kindhearted voice at the other end of the line. For so many other parents and professionals alike, Bonnie’s voice was their first contact with MBC and she soon soothed many parents’ fears as well as mine about having and raising multiples.
Since Bonnie’s retirement, she has kept MBC as part of her family. Bonnie has been on many of the steering committees looking to strengthen and improve MBC’s position locally, nationally and internationally. She worked tirelessly in many capacities: obtaining Charitable Status; updating the appearance and name of our magazine, from Double Feature to Multiple Moments; Mapping the Future; helping organize food, games and decorations for the MBC-led retreats all of which help make the meetings so much more special.