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2020 Small Chapter Award

Windsor Essex Parents of Multiple Births Association

2020 Small Chapter Award

The SMALL CHAPTER MADA award is presented to a chapter with less that 100 members, that has displayed outstanding dedication or has been responsible for outstanding accomplishments of significance to their local multiple births community.

The 2020 Small Chapter MADA goes to the Windsor-Essex Parents of Multiple Births Association.

Over the past several years the Windsor Chapter has gone from an executive of 21 members, who one by one left the leadership roles of the chapter to continue with other obligations and family responsibilities. Now the executive has 5 members who have dedicated so much time and energy into running and maintaining the chapter.

They’ve had very big shoes fill, and they continue to thrive even with all the new challenges. With new parents finding the support and the information by doing a simple google search or various social media groups, its near impossible get members out to monthly meetings.

POMBA Windsor is approaching its 40th year and as the years have gone on, the membership has grown, and now unfortunately over the past few years it has been diminishing in size. POMBA has adjusted the way it functions in hopes to increase the public reach and improve our membership on a whole. The yearly calendar of events has changed to better accommodate a more diverse membership. This past year those members that have been involved for more than 10 years were encouraged to join with a discounted membership.

POMBA Alumni that have outgrown our support group have been drawn back into the organization with the hope of planning one of the upcoming Multiple Births Canada Conference. Windsor wants to reignite the passion and they have succeeded.

Events from Family Summer Drive-In Movie, Root Beer and Pizza social, Prenatal classes, Halloween Trick or Treat, Coffee and Conversation night, All4Kids Sale, Cookies and Milk, NICU stockings Project, Family Snow Day, Family Swim and Pizza Night.

Much more was planned for the 2019/2020 year, but the group had to cancel events due to the pandemic and lockdown. To try to help out our families during the pandemic POMBA Windsor did a series of Pizza Raffles to help feed some of our families during these trying times. For Multiple Birth Awareness days, we asked families to share about their multiples and raffled off gift cards for a family ice cream outing.

Finally, the All4Kids sale is also run by the same executive team. It is the largest sale of its kind in this and the neighbouring county. It brings affordable clothing to families in the community, facilitates donation of unsold clothing to the NICU and local charities, while also providing its membership special shopping and selling opportunities all while raising funds to support the group.

Moving forward POMBA Windsor continues to look for new and innovative ways to support their membership and community while socially distancing.

Congratulations POMBA Windsor, your determination has awarded you the SMALL Chapter MADA Award!

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